Skin Rejuvenation

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What is IPL Photo-facial skin rejuvenation?

The IPL™ Photofacial procedure is an innovative and intense 30-minute skin treatment that utilizes powerful bursts of light to reach deep into the dermis, the lower layer of the skin. By doing so, it triggers the constriction of blood vessels beneath the epidermis, resulting in a reduction of redness and age lines. Additionally, this treatment stimulates fibroblasts, which are cells responsible for producing collagen, to generate more of this essential protein. Through a series of IPL photofacial sessions, the increased collagen production helps to smooth and soften the appearance of wrinkles, pores, and any textural irregularities on your skin.


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After 3 treatments

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How does IPL Skin Rejuvenation work?

Throughout your IPL photo-rejuvenation session, powerful light waves are utilized to diminish or eradicate various typical signs of aging, such as facial wrinkles and skin discolorations. The IPL light additionally stimulates the generation of collagen, a natural protein that helps to reduce wrinkles, resulting in smoother and more supple skin. As you undergo each IPL photo-rejuvenation treatment, the effects become increasingly noticeable. Typically, achieving optimal results requires five full-face IPL photo-facial sessions scheduled four weeks apart.


IPL photo facial therapy is a highly effective treatment for various skin issues such as sun damage, rosacea, freckles, and broken capillaries. It is a non-invasive procedure that rejuvenates the skin without any downtime

At our B You Laser & Aesthetics, IPL treatment is a sought-after option due to its ability to target a wide range of skin conditions, including:

  • Effects of photo-aging
  • Sun damage and sun-induced freckles
  • Age lines
  • Skin discolouration (red or brown spots)
  • Acne scars
  • Rosacea and unsightly veins
  • Vascular and pigmented lesions
  • Birthmarks and many other skin conditions

This treatment is designed to address birthmarks, cherry angiomas, and many other skin conditions, making it a versatile solution for individuals looking to improve the overall appearance and health of their skin.


IPL Hand Photo-rejuvenation treatment is a highly effective solution for addressing various signs of aging on the hands, such as wrinkles, skin pigmentation, red blemishes, and broken blood vessels. This treatment works wonders in enhancing the color, tone, and texture of the skin, especially for those with blotchy, sun-damaged, or discolored skin.

Benefits of IPL Photofacial for Hand Rejuvenation:

  • Quick and noninvasive
  • Targets skin imperfections at deeper levels of the skin
  • Boosts collagen production
  • Evens out skin tone and texture
  • Smooths wrinkled hands and sagging skin on hands
  • Revives dry skin on the hands
  • Plumps skin to minimize the appearance of veiny hands


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After 2 Treatments

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Hollywood Carbon Facial - FAQ

Prepare to witness a noticeable glow in your skin right after your initial Carbon Facial session. Experience a rejuvenated, soft, and smooth skin texture with reduced open pores, oiliness, and blemishes. The treatment is highly effective in addressing uneven skin tone, congestion, and pigmentation caused by various factors like sun damage, inflammation, hormonal fluctuations, acne, and medication reactions.

Looking to improve your skin's appearance and address common issues like blackheads, enlarged pores, and dullness? The carbon facial treatment might just be the solution you've been searching for. This non-invasive and painless procedure, also known as the 'China Doll Peel', offers immediate results without any downtime.

Wondering how the carbon facial works its magic? It's a two-step process that begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin. Next, a layer of liquid carbon is applied, which seeps into the pores and binds to impurities like dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. Once the carbon has dried, it's time for the laser to do its job.

By targeting the carbon particles on your skin's surface, the laser gently removes the impurities. leaving you with a clearer, brighter, and firmer complexion. This treatment is particularly effective in addressing issues like acne scars, pigmentation, blocked pores, fine lines, and wrinkles. Keep in mind that individual results may vary.

Say goodbye to enlarged pores, acne, and dull skin with the carbon facial treatment. Not only does it provide instant results, but it also requires no downtime. So, if you're looking for a skin resurfacing treatment that will leave you with a radiant and flawless complexion, the carbon facial might just be the answer you've been looking for.

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The entire treatment takes approximately 30 minutes, afterwards you should see an instant brightening of the skin, which will also feel smoother and softer than ever before. The results will continue to progress throughout your course of treatments.


Results are accumulative, each carbon facial treatment builds upon the previous one. Once the regeneration of cell turnover is started, the best way to keep making improvement to the skin is to commit to a course of treatments. We recommend 3-6 treatments over a period of 2-3 months with a booster treatment every six months for the best results.

Once your session is over, make sure to keep the tattoo site clean, moisturized, and breathable.


During the procedure you may experience slight tingling and warmth on the skin whilst our laser zaps away the thin layer of carbon. Generally this is a well tolerated treatment. 

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What do I need to know for Photo-Rejuvenation post treatment care?

For the best outcomes and minimal potential risks after your Photo-rejuvenation treatment, it's vital to observe the following guidelines for at least 4 weeks:

  • Stay away from direct sunlight to avoid intensifying skin sensitivity.
  • Avoid using self-tanning creams and tanning beds to ensure proper healing.
  • Maintain a daily skincare routine that includes a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Still curious about Photo-rejuvenation or have other concerns? Feel free to schedule a no-obligation consultation with our certified aesteticians, who are ready to answer your questions and guide you through your post-treatment journey.

Where are you located?

B You Laser & Aesthetics is conveniently located downtown St. Albert. Our address is 220, 8 Perron St, in St. Albert. Services are currently by appointment only. We are proud to serve St. Albert, Edmonton & surrounding Areas


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After 4 Treatments

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Why try IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

Picture having flawless, radiant skin that is completely free from any signs of hyperpigmentation or vascular irregularities. With our revolutionary Sharplight OmniMax S4, you can achieve just that and enjoy a complexion that makes you look years younger. This cutting-edge technology, also known as a 'photo-facial', utilizes Intense Pulsed Light to effectively eliminate hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions, and minor skin imperfections. Not only does it address these concerns, but it also stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in a revitalized and refreshed appearance. What sets our OmniMax apart is its ability to deliver three times more energy than traditional IPL technology, ensuring superior results in fewer treatment sessions. Moreover, it can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, décolleté, hands, and arms, making it a versatile solution for all your skincare needs.


1. What exactly is an IPL laser treatment?

An IPL laser treatment, also known as Intense Pulse Light, is a procedure that helps even out the skin tone and reduce the appearance of sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Additionally, it can also tighten the skin due to its included radio-frequency technology.

2. How long does an IPL laser treatment take?

The duration of an IPL laser treatment depends on the specific area being treated. On average, it takes around one to one-and-a-half hours. This timeframe includes an additional 30 minutes for the application of topical numbing cream before the treatment.

3. Does an IPL laser treatment cause any pain?

Generally, an IPL laser treatment is not considered painful, and most people find it quite tolerable. During the procedure, you may experience mild discomfort, similar to a slight snapping sensation with some heat. To ensure your comfort, we apply a topical numbing agent 30 minutes prior to the treatment.

4. When can I expect to see results after an IPL treatment?

Results from an IPL laser treatment typically start becoming visible within 7-10 days after the procedure. Full results can be observed after two weeks. As the IPL stimulates the production of new collagen, the results continue to improve for up to 6 months after the initial treatment.

5. How long do the results of an IPL treatment last?

The improvements achieved through an IPL treatment can last for several years. However, it is important to maintain the results by diligently using SPF+ sunscreen, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and following a proper at-home skincare routine.

6. Which areas of the body can be treated with an IPL laser?

The IPL laser can be used on virtually any part of the body. However, the most commonly treated areas include the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

7. Is there any downtime associated with an IPL laser treatment?

There is typically no downtime required after an IPL treatment. You can immediately apply makeup and resume your normal activities. After the treatment, you may experience slight redness, similar to a sunburn. Any temporary hyperpigmentation will gradually fade over time.


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After 2 treatments

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